Employee-first AI Cyber Security Training with Anzenna

Employee-first AI Cyber Security Training with Anzenna

“We’re under cyberattack!” cry the 82% of humans who are the victims and also the root cause. Is the answer “more tools”, “more policy”, “more process” OR is it time for the computers to work with us? Enter Anzenna and AI cyber security training? It’s time for our organizations to prioritize cyber security training and

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Employee-first Cyber Security Training to Protect Against Cyber Attacks

Employee-first Cyber Security Training to Protect Against Cyber Attacks

Why aren’t we doing a better job of cyber security training for humans? If 82% of cyber security attacks [1] are human-caused, surely the biggest security focus should be on “fixing” humans — so why isn’t it? The prevailing “wisdom” seems to be “buy more tools” (that nobody will use) or “write a process document”

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