Category: SJULTRA

14 cybersecurity problems to solve in 30 days

14 cybersecurity problems to solve in 30 days

20 years ago when virtualization was starting, I asked this simple question to which I always got a complex answer: How many servers have you got? Fast-forward 20 years, and now I ask people “How many of these 8 asset classes do you have?” In fact, any new CxO asks me this question on their

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Powering DevOps: A Complete Guide to Secure Deployment with Oobabooga

Powering DevOps: A Complete Guide to Secure Deployment with Oobabooga

The Core of DevOps and Security: A Deep Dive into Enhanced Integration In the realm of development and operations (DevOpsDevOps is a partnership between software development and IT… More), achieving synergy between speed and security is paramount. DevOpsDevOps is a partnership between software development and IT… More aims to expedite the development and deployment lifecycle, and the

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