Tag: JFrog

Why an SBOM is an essential list of ingredients and not a four-letter word

Why an SBOM is an essential list of ingredients and not a four-letter word

Stay ahead of the game in software security with SBOMs and JFrog X-Ray. Learn how these tools can help you manage open-source components, ensure compliance, and protect your software supply chain.

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Closing the Divide Between AI/ML Model Development and DevSecOps

Closing the Divide Between AI/ML Model Development and DevSecOps

Are your AI/ML models inside or outside of your secure software supply chain? JFrog’s new Machine Learning Model Management solution bridges this gap, allowing you to store proprietary models, proxy public hubs, bundle models for release, and scan for security issues.

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Why you need to focus on software supply chain security now

Why you need to focus on software supply chain security now

Software supply chain attacks have emerged as one of the most significant cybersecurity threats facing organizations today. As software development becomes increasingly complex, with applications relying on numerous third-party components, packages, and dependencies, the attack surface has expanded exponentially. Malicious actors are actively targeting this supply chain, injecting vulnerabilities or backdoors into popular open-source libraries

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JFrog Artifactory for Cloud Security and DevOps

JFrog Artifactory for Cloud Security and DevOps

Imagine you’re a modern-day developer, coding away and spinning up containers like a software cowboy on the digital frontier. But just as real-life cowboys need a trustworthy arsenal to tackle the challenges of the Wild West, developers require a reliable repository to keep their code safe, secure, and readily available. Enter JFrog Artifactory, a battle-tested

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